Imperial Palace, home to the world’s oldest continuous monarchy

Such interesting points and images that I just needed to post this to look at it ever so often.

The Amazing Travels

Thousands of years have gone by and a multitude of changes happened in the realm of existence.  We’ve seen the critical formative influences that defined cultures… and the forces that tried to re-define cultures. We’ve seen the rise and fall of empires… and monarchies.  We’ve seen ancient existence survived, progressed… and ultimately integrated with the modern world.

Over the centuries, Japan has remarkably evolved… from the simple life of growing rice, to forming small tribal communities or clans, to feudalism, to the shogunate period, to becoming a highly industrialized nation in modern times.  Spiritual, radical and revolutionary movements generated changes in its social structure… but there was one thing which remained unchanged – Japan’s imperial family was never overthrown! When the shoguns gained the absolute control to rule, the imperial family remained the symbol of the state and the emperor had the power to legitimize their rank as shoguns.


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